
Handling an Insurance Claim Check

Handling an Insurance Claim Check?

If you recently received your insurance claim check, you may wonder why it is made out to you & ‘BP Federal Credit Union’. You have people to pay, things to do - Don’t worry! After dealing with Harvey, BPFCU wants to help you get back to normal as soon as possible. When a policy holder makes a claim for damages, the insurance company will normally make the claim check out to both the insured and a lien holder. Since BP Federal Credit Union is the lien holder, we have a financial interest in ensuring your property is restored. Real Estate and Auto Loans may require an inspection.

To deposit your claim check at BP Federal Credit Union, all parties listed on the check will need to sign. We (BP Federal Credit Union) will endorse and deposit the funds into your BPFCU account – names on the claim check must match the names on the account. No check hold will be placed on a ‘Hurricane Harvey’ insurance claim check – BPFCU wants to get you back to where you belong quickly.

Need to take the claim check to another Credit Union or Bank? Come into BP Federal Credit Union’s Memorial Branch and we will get you the endorsement you need to deposit the claim check elsewhere.

Can’t visit the credit union? No problem! You can mail in the claim check for deposit. Simply include a note ‘DEPOSIT & your account information’, endorse the check with all required signatures, and BPFCU will sign and complete your deposit. Need the claim check endorsed and want to take the check to another institution? Send the unsigned check with a note of ‘ENDORSEMENT ONLY & address for return’, and BPFCU will endorse and send the check back to you. Please mail the Insurance Claim Check to:

BP Federal Credit Union
P.O. Box 941749
Houston, TX 77094

Contact BP Federal Credit Union at for any questions or concerns. As your credit union, we are always here to help if you need assistance.