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BP Federal Credit Union and Zelle

Zelle® is a fast, safe and free 1 way to send money to friends and family

We have partnered with Zelle® to bring you a fast, safe and easy way to send and receive money with friends, family and other people you trust. 2

Zelle® is available right from online and mobile banking so you don’t need to download anything new to start sending and receiving money!

How to start using Zelle®

  1. Enroll or log in to Bill Pay
  2. Select "Send Money with Zelle®"
  3. Accept Terms and Conditions
  4. Select your U.S. mobile number or email address and deposit account

That’s it! You’re ready to start sending and receiving money with Zelle®.


Using Zelle® is:



Send money directly from your account to theirs, typically in minutes3



Send and receive money with Zelle® right from Bill Pay online or our mobile banking app2



Send money using just their U.S. mobile number or email address


There are no fees to send money with Zelle® from our online or mobile banking app1


Watch the video to learn more about Zelle®!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Zelle®?

Zelle® is a fast, safe and easy way to send money directly between almost any bank accounts in the U.S., typically within minutes. 3 With just an email address or U.S. mobile phone number, you can send money to people you trust, regardless of where they bank.2

Who can I send money to with Zelle®?

You can send money to friends, family and others you trust. 2

Since money is sent directly from your bank account to another person's bank account within minutes, 3 it's important to only send money to people you trust, and always ensure you've used the correct email address or U.S. mobile number.

How do I enroll in and use Zelle®?

To get started, log in to BP Federal Credit Union’s online banking or mobile app and navigate to the “Send Money With Zelle®” tab. To enroll, accept terms and conditions, tell us your email address or U.S. mobile number and deposit account, and then you will receive a one-time verification code, enter it and you’re ready to start sending and receiving with Zelle®.

To send money using Zelle®, simply add a trusted recipient’s email address or U.S. mobile phone number, enter the amount you’d like to send and an optional note, review, then hit “Send.” In most cases, the money is available to your recipient in minutes. 3

To request money using Zelle®, choose “Request,” select the individual(s) from whom you’d like to request money, enter the amount you’d like to request, include an optional note, review and hit “Request.” 4

To receive money, just share your enrolled email address or U.S. mobile phone number with a friend and ask them to send you money with Zelle®.

View MoreLess

Don't have our mobile app?

Download it for free:


1 Mobile network carrier fees may apply.

2 Must have a bank account in the U.S. to use Zelle®.

3 Transactions typically occur in minutes when the recipient’s email address or U.S. mobile number is already enrolled with Zelle®.

4 In order to send payment requests or split payment requests to a U.S. mobile number, the mobile number must already be enrolled with Zelle®.

Copyright © 2023 BP Federal Credit Union. All rights reserved. Terms and conditions apply. Zelle and the Zelle related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning Services, LLC and are used herein under license.

BP Federal Credit Union
P.O. Box 941749
Houston, Texas 77094-8749

Member NCUA. Equal Housing Lender

When You Suspect Identity Theft

Following are BP Federal Credit Union procedures for identifying, responding and resolving red flags

Signs of Identity Theft

Members should be alert for signs of identity theft:

  • Watch your accounts, there may be accounts you didn't open and debts on your valid accounts that you can’t explain.
  • Examine your credit report(s), look for fraudulent or inaccurate information on your credit reports, verify your personal information, such as your Social Security number, address(es), correct spelling of your name, and employers.
  • Failing to receive monthly bills or other regular mail. Follow-up with creditors if your bills don’t arrive on time. (A missing bill could mean an identity thief has taken over your account and changed your billing address).
  • Receiving credit cards that you didn’t apply for.
  • Being denied credit, or being offered less favorable credit terms, like a high interest rate, for no apparent reason.
  • Getting calls or letters from debt collectors or businesses about merchandise or services you didn't buy.

When you discover that your identity was stolen:

Consumers may learn that their identity has been stolen after the fact; the damage has been done.

  • When bill collection agencies contact you for overdue debts you never incurred.
  • When you apply for a mortgage or car loan and learn that problems with your credit history are holding up the loan.
  • When you get something in the mail about an apartment you never rented, a house you never bought, or a job you never held.

Personal information that should be monitored regularly:

  • Your financial/billing statements. Monitor your financial accounts and billing statements regularly, looking closely for charges you did not make.
  • Your credit reports. If an identity thief is opening credit accounts in your name, these accounts are likely to show up on your credit report. To find out, order a copy of your credit reports. If you find fraudulent or inaccurate information, get it removed.

Free Annual Credit Reports:

  • To order your free annual report from one or all the national consumer reporting companies, visit www.annualcreditreport.com, call toll-free 877-322-8228, or complete the Annual Credit Report Request Form and mail it to: Annual Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281. You can print the form from ftc.gov/credit. Do not contact the three nationwide consumer reporting companies individually; they provide free annual credit reports only through www.annualcreditreport.com, 877-322-8228, and Annual Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281.
  • Under federal law, you're also entitled to a free report if a company takes adverse action against you, such as denying your application for credit, insurance or employment, and you request your report within 60 days of receiving notice of the action.
  • You're also entitled to one free report a year if you're unemployed and plan to look for a job within 60 days; you're on welfare; or your report is inaccurate because of fraud.
  • To buy a copy of your report, contact:
    Equifax: 800-685-1111; www.equifax.com
    Experian: 888-EXPERIAN (888-397-3742); www.experian.com
    TransUnion: 800-916-8800; www.transunion.com

Responding and Resolving Identity Theft

Respond and recover from identity theft when you suspect it

What to do if you’re a victim of Identity Theft:

  1. Place a fraud alert on your credit reports, and review your credit reports.
    Fraud alerts can help prevent an identity thief from opening any more accounts in your name. You only need to contact one of the three companies to place an alert. The company you call is required to contact the other two, which will place an alert on their versions of your report.

    Equifax: 1-800-525-6285; www.equifax.com; PO Box 740241, Atlanta, GA 30374-0241
    Experian: 1-888-EXPERIAN (397-3742); www.experian.com; PO Box 9532, Allen, TX 75013
    TransUnion: 1-800-680-7289; www.transunion.com; Fraud Victim Assistance Division, PO Box 6790, Fullerton, CA 92834-6790

    Continue to check your credit reports periodically, especially for the first year after you discover the identity theft, to make sure no new fraudulent activity has occurred.

  2. Close accounts you know, or believe, have been tampered with or opened fraudulently.
    Call and speak with someone in the security or fraud department of each company. Follow-up in writing, and include copies (NOT originals) of supporting documents. It's important to notify credit card companies and banks in writing. Send your letters by certified mail, return receipt requested, so you can document what the company received and when. Keep a file of your correspondence and enclosures.

    If the identity thief has made charges or debits on your accounts, or has fraudulently opened accounts, request forms to dispute those transactions:

    • For charges and debits on existing accounts, ask the representative to send you the company's fraud dispute forms. If the company doesn't have special forms, send a letter to dispute the fraudulent charges or debits. In either case, write to the company at the address given for "billing inquiries," NOT the address for sending your payments.
    • For new unauthorized accounts, you can either file a dispute directly with the company or file a report with the police and provide a copy (called an “Identity Theft Report”) to the company.
    • If you want to file a dispute directly with the company, and do not want to file a report with the police, ask if the company accepts the FTC’s ID Theft Affidavit (PDF, 56 KB). If it does not, ask the representative to send you the company's fraud dispute forms.
    • However, filing a report with the police and then providing the company with an Identity Theft Report will give you greater protection. For example, if the company has already reported these unauthorized accounts or debts on your credit report, an Identity Theft Report will require them to stop reporting that fraudulent information. Use a letter to explain to the company the rights you have by using the Identity Theft Report.
    • Once you have resolved your identity theft dispute with the company, ask for a letter stating that the company has closed the disputed accounts and has discharged the fraudulent debts. This letter is your best proof if errors relating to this account reappear on your credit report or you are contacted again about the fraudulent debt.

  3. File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission.
    You can file a complaint with the FTC using the online complaint form; or call the FTC's Identity Theft Hotline, toll-free: 1-877-ID-THEFT (438-4338); TTY: 1-866-653-4261; or write Identity Theft Clearinghouse, Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20580. Be sure to call the Hotline to update your complaint if you have any additional information or problems.

    By sharing your identity theft complaint with the FTC, you will provide important information that can help law enforcement officials across the nation track down identity thieves and stop them. The FTC can refer victims' complaints to other government agencies and companies for further action, as well as investigate companies for violations of laws the agency enforces.

    An Identity Theft Report and entitle you to certain protections. This Identity Theft Report can be used to:
    (1) permanently block fraudulent information from appearing on your credit report;
    (2) ensure that debts do not reappear on your credit report;
    (3) prevent a company from continuing to collect debts that result from identity theft; and
    (4) place an extended fraud alert on your credit report.

  4. File a report with your local police or the police in the community where the identity theft took place.
    Call your local police department and tell them that you want to file a report about your identity theft. Ask them if you can file the report in person. If you cannot, ask if you can file a report over the Internet or telephone.

    When you go to your local police department to file your report, bring a printed copy of your FTC ID Theft Complaint form, your cover letter, and your supporting documentation. The cover letter explains why a police report and an ID Theft Complaint are so important to victims.

Fraud Alert

There are two types of fraud alerts: an initial alert, and an extended alert:

  • An initial fraud alert stays on your credit report for at least 90 days. You may ask that an initial fraud alert be placed on your credit report if you suspect you have been, or are about to be, a victim of identity theft. When you place an initial fraud alert on your credit report, you're entitled to order one free credit report from each of the three nationwide consumer reporting companies, and, if you ask, only the last four digits of your Social Security number will appear on your credit reports.
  • An extended fraud alert stays on your credit report for seven years. You can have an extended alert placed on your credit report if you've been a victim of identity theft and you provide the consumer reporting company with an Identity Theft Report. When you place an extended alert on your credit report, you're entitled to two free credit reports within twelve months from each of the three nationwide consumer reporting companies. In addition, the consumer reporting companies will remove your name from marketing lists for pre-screened credit offers for five years unless you ask them to put your name back on the list before then.

A fraud alert does not:

  • A fraud alert can help keep an identity thief from opening new accounts in your name, it’s not a solution to all types of identity theft.
  • It will not protect you from an identity thief using your existing credit cards or other accounts.
  • It also will not protect you from an identity thief opening new accounts in your name that do not require a credit check – such as a telephone, wireless, or bank account.
  • If there’s identity theft already going on when you place the fraud alert, the fraud alert alone won’t stop it.

Credit Freeze

In some states a consumer may “freeze” their credit – in other words, allowing a consumer restrict access to his or her credit report. Placing a credit freeze does not affect your credit score – nor does it keep you from getting your free annual credit report, or from buying your credit report or score.

Credit freeze laws vary from state to state. In some states, anyone can freeze their credit file, while in other states, only identity theft victims can. The cost of placing, temporarily lifting, and removing a credit freeze also varies. Many states make credit freezes free for identity theft victims, while other consumers pay a fee. It’s also important to know that these costs are for each of the credit reporting agencies.

Who can access my credit report if I place a credit freeze?

If you place a credit freeze, you will continue to have access to your free annual credit report. You’ll also be able to buy your credit report and credit score even after placing a credit freeze.

Companies that you do business with will still have access to your credit report – for example, your mortgage, credit card, or cell phone company – as would collection agencies that are working for one of those companies.

Companies will also still be able to offer you pre-screened credit. Those are the credit offers you receive in the mail that you have not applied for. Additionally, in some states, potential employers, insurance companies, landlords, and other non-creditors can still get access to your credit report with a credit freeze in place.

Can I temporarily lift my credit freeze if I need to let someone check my credit report?

If you want to apply for a loan or credit card, or otherwise need to give someone access to your credit report and that person is not covered by an exception to the credit freeze law, you would need to temporarily lift the credit freeze. You would do that by using a PIN that each credit reporting agency sends you when the credit freeze is placed. In most states, you’d have to pay a fee to lift the credit freeze.

What does a credit freeze not do?

  • A fraud alert can help keep an identity thief from opening new accounts in your name, it’s not a solution to all types of identity theft.
  • It will not protect you from an identity thief using your existing credit cards or other accounts.
  • It also will not protect you from an identity thief opening new accounts in your name that do not require a credit check – such as a telephone, wireless, or bank account.
  • If there’s identity theft already going on when you place the fraud alert, the fraud alert alone won’t stop it.

Identity Theft Report

An Identity Theft Report is a police report with more than the usual amount of detail. The Identity Theft Report includes enough detail about the crime for the credit reporting companies and the businesses involved to verify that you are a victim—and to know which accounts and inaccurate information came from identity theft.

The printed copy of your ID Theft Complaint Form can provide additional details for the police report. The police are not legally required to use the FTC’s ID Theft Complaint Form as part of their report. Your police department may have another way to incorporate the details of your crime. In these cases, the police report by itself may serve as an Identity Theft Report.

When you file your Identity Theft Report, the credit reporting companies will permanently block fraudulent information from appearing on your credit report. Filing an Identity Theft Report with the credit reporting companies or with the companies where the thief used your information should ensure that these debts do not reappear on your credit report. An Identity Theft Report can prevent a company from continuing to try to collect debts that result from identity theft, or sell those debts to others for collection. It also allows you to place an extended fraud alert on your credit report.

The credit reporting companies may decline your Identity Theft Report if it does not contain enough detail for them to verify that you are a victim of identity theft. In that case, the credit reporting companies have certain time frames for responding to your Identity Theft Report with requests for additional information.

You are advised to keep a record with the details of your conversations and copies of all correspondence related to identity theft.

NCUA Coverage

NCUAThe National Credit Union Administration or “NCUA” insurance sign displayed at each BPFCU teller station means your deposits are insured up to $250,000 by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

Truth In Savings

1. Rate information

truthThe annual percentage yield is a percentage rate that reflects the total amount of dividends to be paid on an account based on the dividend rate and frequency of compounding for an annual period. For savings accounts, the dividend rate and annual percentage yield may change quarterly as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. For money market accounts, the dividend rate and the annual percentage yield may change at any time as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. The dividend rates and the annual percentage yields are the rates and the yields of the last dividend declaration date, which was set forth in the rate schedule.

2. Nature of Dividends

Dividends are paid from current income and available earnings after required transfers to reserves at the end of the dividend period.

3. Dividend Compounding and Crediting

The compounding and crediting of dividends and dividend period applicable to each account are set forth in the rate schedule. The dividend period is the period of time at the end of which an account earns dividend credit. The dividend period begins on the first calendar day of the period and ends on the last calendar day of the period.

4. Accrual of Dividends

For savings and money market accounts, dividends will begin to accrue on non-cash deposits (e.g., checks) on the business day you make the deposit to your account. For all accounts, if you close your account before accrued dividends are credited, accrued dividends will not be paid.

5. Balance Information

The minimum balance requirements applicable to each account are set forth in the rate schedule. For savings accounts, there is a minimum daily balance required to obtain the annual percent yield of the dividend period. If the minimum daily balance is not met, you will not earn the stated annual percentage yield. For savings accounts using a Daily Balance method, dividends are calculated by applying the daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day.

6. Account Limitations

For money market accounts, no more than six (6) preauthorized, automatic or telephone transfers may be made from these accounts to another account of yours or to a third party in any month, and no more than three (3) of these six (6) transfers may be made by check, draft or debit card to a third party. If you exceed these limitations, your account may be subject to a fee or be closed. For savings and checking account limitations please refer to Rate & Fee Schedule for more information.

Foreign Fund Collection

foreign fundsHave you received a check that is from a country outside the United States or not in U.S. dollars? No problem!

Bring in the check for collection and deposit it into your BPFCU account.

The credit union is equipped to process these funds through the proper channels to convert them into U.S. dollars. The process can take up to 8 weeks but as soon as the foreign exchange has been completed the funds will then be deposited into your account and be available for immediate use.

  • Fee - $25 Foreign Currency on a U.S. Institution
  • Fee - $40 U.S. Funds on a Foreign Institution

Mobile App


Quick. Convenient. Simple.

BP Federal Credit Union offers mobile banking apps for your iPhone®, iPad®, Android phone or Android™ tablet. View your transactions, deposit checks, and make transfers from your phone or tablet. Download the app that's right for you by searching BPFCU in the app store. Free to use! Free to download!

Touch ID or PIN Authentication - Easily & securely log in using your fingerprint or a personal identification number.

View Balances & Account Activity - Search for transactions, add a note orMobile Icon for Website Passcode2 an image, & filter by tags. Understand your activity & find what you're looking for - fast!

Make Mobile Deposits Using Your Camera - Deposit checks into qualified accounts using the mobile remote deposit feature.

Transfer Funds - Effortlessly initiate one-time, future date or repeating transfers

Personalize Your App - Arrange the app's features in a way that makes Mobile Icon for Website Transactions1the most sense to you - customize the app on a per-device basis & move things around however you'd like.

Branch & ATM Locations - Find the nearest ATM or locate a branch using your current location.

BP Federal Credit Union will always strive to make your banking needs more accessible. We will continue to bring you the latest technology available.

NB MoblieAppDownload

There is no charge from BP Federal Credit Union for mobile banking, text banking, or remote deposit. Regular internet access charges, messaging charges, and other rates from your mobile provider still apply

Wire Transfers

wire transferBPFCU’s wire transfer services allow you to send and receive guaranteed funds to companies or individuals around the world:


Privacy Policy

FACTSWhat does BP Federal Credit Union (BPFCU) do with your personal information?
WHY? Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you hoe we collect, share and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do.
WHAT? The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the products or service you have with us. This information can include:
  • Socia Security number
  • Account balances
  • Credit history
  • Income
  • Payment history
  • Credit scores
HOW? All financial companies need to share members’ personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their members’ personal information; the reasons BPFCU chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing.
Reasons we can share your personal informationDoes BPFCU share?Can you limit this sharing?
For our everyday business purposes – such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus. YES NO
For our marketing purposes – to offer our products and services to you. YES NO
For joint marketing with other financial companies YES NO
For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes – information about your transactions and experiences. NO N/A
For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes – information about your creditworthiness NO N/A
Four our affiliates to market to you NO N/A
For nonaffiliates to market to you NO N/A
To limit our sharing
To limit our sharing Call 888-907-1413 – our menu will prompt you through your choices(s) or
Visit us online: www.bpfcu.org, or write to PO Box 941749, Houston, Texas 77094-8749

Please note:

If you are a new customer, we can begin sharing your information 30 days from the date we sent this notice. When you are no longer our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this notice.

However, you can contact us at any time to limit our sharing.
Questions? Call 888-907-1413 or go to www.bpfcu.org, or write to PO Box 941749, Houston, Texas 77094-8749
Who we are
Who is providing this notice? BP Federal Credit Union
What we do
How does BPFCU protect my personal information? To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings.
How does BPFCU collect me personal information? We collect your personal information, for example, when you:
  • Open an account or deposit money
  • Pay your bills or apply for a loan
  • Use your credit card of debit card
Why can’t I limit all sharing? Federal law gives you the right to limit only:
  • Sharing for affiliates’ everyday business purposes – information about your creditworthiness
  • Affiliates from using your information to market to you
  • Sharing nonaffiliates to market to you
  • State laws and individual companies may five you additional right to limit sharing
What happens when I limit sharing for an account I hold jointly with someone else? Your choices will apply to everyone on your account.
Affiliates Companies related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies.
    • N/A
Nonaffiliates Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies.
    • N/A
Joint marketing A formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you.
    • Cuna Mutual
Other important information
To opt out contact BPFCU Call: 888-907-1413, or
Go online to: www.bpfcu.org, or
Write: PO Box 941749, Houston, Texas 77094-8749


BP Federal Credit Union was founded in 1937 with the philosophy of providing quality financial services to its members.

buffalo nickle 1937Today, the same holds true. We have grown a great deal over the years, but still display a long-time credit union tradition of “people helping people.”

Credit unions are unique financial organizations with roots back to the 1800’s in Germany when failing farmers sought relief from loan sharks. The farmers and similar groups banded together to pool their funds and make loans to each other. This spirit of cooperation was so effective that it moved to other parts of Europe and into North America.

Credit unions are recognized worldwide as a relief to high fees and loan rates as offered by other financial institutions. Earnings are returned to members in the form of favorable rates, new services and/or additional contributions to capital. Every member of the Credit Union owns a share and is treated equally. A volunteer Board of Directors is elected by the members to direct the overall operation.

Once you become a member, individuals in your family can join too! And once a member of BP Federal Credit Union, you can remain a member for life. Then you will know how it feels to be a part owner of a financial institution.

Board of Directors

boardBP Federal Credit Union’s Board of Directors is comprised of nine member-elected positions and two advisory directors. The positions held by the board are chairman, vice chairman, secretary, treasurer, director and advisory director. Credit unions are member-owned and not-for-profit; therefore, a board of directors is elected to oversee major decisions of the credit union. BP Federal Credit Union’s current directors are comprised of six employees from BP, a retiree from BP & Amoco and other representatives from the community.

The Board of Directors meet once a month where current issues are discussed and addressed.

If you have any questions or concerns that need to be addressed by the BP Federal Credit Union Board of Directors, a confidential suggestion box is located in our three branches at WL1, Memorial and Helios. You may also address a “personal and confidential” correspondence to the Attn: “Board of Directors” and mail to:

BP Federal Credit Union
P.O. Box 941749
Houston, Texas 77094

Once-a-year elections are held at the BP Federal Credit Union Annual Meeting, which takes place in the first quarter of the year. If you are interested in submitting your name as a candidate or to inquire about position availability, please contact the current Board of Directors at the address above.

List of Employees

President / CEO This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.870.8000 x734
Executive Vice President This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.870.8000 x745
Vice President of Operations This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.870.8000 x731
Accountant This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.870.8000 x705
Accounting Assistant This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.870.8000 x706
Marketing Manager This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.870.8000 x732
Loan Manager This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.870.8000 x710
Loan Officer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.870.8000 x747
Mortgage Loan Officer
RMLO - NMLS 350135
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 713.392.3763
Sr. Mortgage Loan Processor This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.546.7883
Mortgage Loan Servicer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.870.8000 x708
Collections Specialist This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.870.8000 x702
Business Development This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.870.8000
Member Services Supervisor This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.870.8000 x703
Member Services - Westlake I This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.870.8000 x704
Member Services - Memorial This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.870.8000 x730
Member Services - Memorial This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.870.8000 x716
Member Services - Memorial This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.870.8000 x712
Member Services - Helios This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.870.8000 x707
Member Services - Republic Square This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281.870.8000 x729

Holiday Closures 2024

  • New Year Day- Monday, January 1st
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Monday, January 15th
  • Memorial Day - Monday, May 27th
  • Independence Day - Thursday, July 4th
  • Labor Day - Monday, September 2th
  • Thanksgiving - Thursday, November 28th
  • Day After Thanksgiving - Friday, November 29th
  • Christmas Holidays - Tuesday, December 24th & Wednesday, December 25th

Insurance - Auto and Home, Life, and Accidental Death and Dismemberment

TruStage™ Auto & Home Insurance Program

You could be paying too much for Auto Insurance

You could be paying too much for auto insurance

You work hard for your money and even harder to keep your budget on track. So why spend too much on auto insurance—maybe hundreds of dollars too much?

How much could I save?

Credit union members could save hundreds of dollars on auto insurance through the TruStage™ Auto Insurance and Home Program. And it could be simple to switch carriers—without losing any money.

What are the advantages?

The TruStage™ Auto Insurance Program offers a powerful mix of savings & popular, member-friendly benefits:

  • Credit union members could save
  • Nationally recognized companies
  • Friendly service with extended hours

Get a free quote today. Don’t wait to see how much you could save.


Auto and Home Insurance Products are issued by leading insurance companies. The insurance offered is not a deposit, and is not federally insured, sold, or guaranteed by any financial institution. Product and features may vary and not be available in all states.  © TruStage


TruStage™ Life Insurance

We make TruStage™ Life Insurance policies available to credit union members like you to help protect the people who matter most in your life. Any policy amount could make a difference, because it provides money your loved ones could use to help pay mortgage or rent, day-to-day bills, medical and funeral expenses — whatever is needed most.

TruStage Life Insurance offers coverage that's underwritten by CMFG Life Insurance Company — with rates designed to be simple and fit your budget.

Learn about this important coverage or call LifeNumber for more information.

TruStage™ Life Insurance is issued by CMFG Life Insurance Company, MEMBERS Life Insurance Company, and other leading insurance companies. The insurance offered is not a deposit, and is not federally insured, sold, or guaranteed by any financial institution. Product and features may vary and not be available in all states. All guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of the insurer. Corporate Headquarters 5910 Mineral Point Road, Madison, WI 53705. © TruStage


TruStage™ Accidental Death and Dismemberment

Claim your no-cost Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance. Add more coverage starting at around $1 a month.*

Your $1000 of no-cost TruStage™ Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage, courtesy of BP Federal Credit Union, is now available for you to claim.

As a member of BP Federal Credit Union, you have received $1000 in AD&D coverage from TruStage at no cost to you. AD&D coverage can pay a cash benefit to you and your loved ones in the case of a covered accident. It can also pay benefits if you are hospitalized or suffer from lost ability (such as loss of eyesight or hearing) due to an accident. It’s money your family can use to help cover any expenses you have while you focus on recovery.

Again, it costs you absolutely nothing—only a few minutes of your time—to get $1000 of coverage. If you choose, additional insurance is available for you or eligible family members at rates designed to be budget-friendly. Your acceptance is guaranteed—with no health questions or medical exam.

Don't miss out on this valuable, no-cost benefit part of your credit union membership. Enrolling is quick and simple. Go to www.trustage.com/add-insurance or call toll-free 1-800-798-8798.

*Cost is between $1 and $1.50 per month for every $10,000 of individual TruStage AD&D Insurance.

TruStage™ Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance is issued by CMFG Life Insurance Company. The insurance offered is not a deposit, and is not federally insured, sold, or guaranteed by any financial institution. Product and features may vary and not be available in all states. Corporate Headquarters 5910 Mineral Point Road, Madison, WI 53705. Base Policy Form Numbers: ADD-2018-POL, ADD-2018-POL(OR), 2018-ADD-POLRDR-CI, 2018-ADD-POLRDR-CNR, E10-ADD-2012, E10a-ADD-2012-LSCU, E10a-014-2012, E10a-014-2012(OR), E10a-015-2012, F10a-015-2012-1(WA). © TruStage


Third Party Disclaimer

BPFCU does not endorse or guarantee third-party links. The products and services offered on third-party sites are not products of BPFCU. BPFCU cannot attest to the accuracy of information provided by the linked sites. Linking to a website does not constitute endorsement by BPFCU, or any of its employees, or the sponsors of the site, or the products presented on the site. Other websites that link to the Credit Union's site are not bound by the BPFCU Website Privacy Policy. The calculators provide estimates only.